Every year I throw a holiday party called "Elf Party", to bring in the holiday season and give everyone an excuse to watch
my favorite holiday movie of all time. This tradition started out as simply having a friends over to watch the movie, & has grown to include paper mache movie characters (arctic puffin, snowman & narwal whale), costumes, jello shots, dance parties, & conga lines.
2010 marked the 5th year of Elf Party shenanigans, and my boyfriend and I wanted to do something to top last year. We decided to require our guests to be in Christmas dress code & we ourselves decided to create costumes from
our other favorite Christmas movie. That's right, this year we dressed up as Leg Lamp & Ralphie. Putting our DIY skills to the test, we found a pattern for a pink bunny suit on
instructables.com and I designed the leg lamp costume using a lamp shade, a flash light with Velcro, some fish nets & an old box.
We really had a blast this year... I can't say that I want to take on any sewing projects as major as this one anytime soon, but we were both really pleased with how our costumes turned out!